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Saturday, August 6, 2011

New Batch of Untrue Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Stories

They seem to come along every couple of weeks now, a new round of stories online about Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez breaking up. The morning of August 6, 2011 brought a new barrage and this time the stories have a racist element, but we'll get to that in a bit. In a few days these same 'news' sites will have stories of them getting back together.

And on it will go.

Justin and Selena are breaking up because he's hanging around with a bad element and she doesn't like that, that's the line of these new stories. Selena laid down an ultimatum and though the thought of losing her caused Justin to break into tears - yes, they say that - he refuses to give up his friends. He left Florida after her concert with the relationship over. Wow, great scoop.

Read more at Suite101: New Batch of Untrue Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Stories

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez: Breaking Up?

Hard to say which of the dozen or so sites that ran a story on this 'break-up' was the first to print it. A site called the 'Hollywood Dame' went with it, so did 'Gather Celeb News' and other obscure sites. Some should know better, like the U.K.'s Daily Mail and Canada's Winnipeg Free Press. Both these publications are daily papers with a history, the Mail's been around about 115 years and the Free Press for nearly 140.

A hallmark of these stories is that the sources are never named. The information is from a 'friend' or something 'allegedly' or 'reportedly' happened. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez probably brush off these kinds of stories, have a laugh and move on. This time it may not be so easy to do because this time, arguably, the stories are racist.

The thrust of the stories is that Gomez insists Bieber stop hanging around with his "new" friends because they are bad people. It so happens that the three singers the stories claim Selena Gomez doesn't like are all black males: Chris Brown, Sean Kingston and 'Lil Wayne. The stories mention their 'bad' pasts. Would they be saying this if these men were white?

"Bad Boys" Influencing Bieber? - NOT!

For Chris Brown it's the domestic violence incident with former girlfriend Rihanna. The stories fail to mention he's gone on TV programs to own up to it, to decry violence against women and apologize to Rihanna and others for his actions. He's talked about the abuse he witnessed from a step-father onto his mother when a child and how he will not let that be the path he goes down. Chris Brown is a good man and hardly someone Selena Gomez would tell Justin Bieber to stay away from.

The Daily Mail refers to Kingston as "Jamaican singer Sean Kingston" as if being from Jamaica was a crime in itself. The paper says "the final straw" was bringing him to her concert. In interviews, Kingston, 21, comes across as a kind, genuine and caring person, someone Gomez, or anyone else, would love to spend time with.

And finally, 'Lil Wayne is referred to as a criminal and while he was convicted of being in a car with an unregistered gun (it was his manager's) and some marijuana, he's never committed a serious offence or harmed anyone. The stories fail to mention he is the devoted father of four kids, a Christian who believes in treating people well, and a hard-working man.

Bieber, Gomez and Kingston: This is More Like it

So what really did happen that July night after Gomez' concert, when these sites say a break-up over Bieber hanging with these three occurred? Naturally we don't know but the odds are that it's far more likely that what was actually said was more along the lines of this (Warning - the following dialogue is speculation only. Intended to show the events as they were more likely to have happened!):

"Hey honey, great show. You were awesome," says Bieber. "All right. I'm outta here, back to L.A.. Have a great time until I catch up you with in August. I'll call you tons. Love you."

"Love you. Kiss," says Selena. "Mmmh. Oh, Sean, thanks for coming. Great to see you're getting well. And watch Justin's fans out there! They'll do anything to get near him."

"Don't worry. I'm from Jamaica," says Kingston. "We produce the best sprinters the world has known. I'll just make like Usain Bolt! And thanks for the show, Girl, you were hot."

"Goodnight everyone!!!"

There. No wringing of hands, no gnashing of teeth, no trashing of good men. True though? Who knows. It's speculation but far, far more close to what actually went down than the make believe stuff that, were this a better world, would not be fit to print.

So, well, goodnight, everyone.

Sources Used in this Story:
•Daily Mail online; I don't like your friends: Selena Gomez 'dumps' Justin Bieber over new pals; August 6, 2011.
•Gather Celeb News; Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber Break Up : What Will Fans Think?; August 6.
•Hollywood Dame; Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez BREAK UP ?!; August 6.
•Winnipeg Free Press; Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez split?; August 6.

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